Our services

We have experienced physicians providing quality care, individualized for each patient to help achieve the ultimate goal of returning back to work and resuming their daily life activities.

Physical Therapy

Physical Therapy consists of multitudes of treatment such as hot/cold pack, electric stimulation, therapeutic exercise, ultrasound, infrared lamp and more.

Chiropractic Care

The chiropractor evaluates the patient on the initial visit by locating spinal misalignments or subluxations through the use of palpation. They will correct the misalignment through adjustments, massage and traction as needed.

person holding black knit cap
person holding black knit cap
brown and black clipboard with white spinal cord print manual
brown and black clipboard with white spinal cord print manual
person holding silver and white pen
person holding silver and white pen

Acupuncture involves the insertion of very thin needles through your skin at strategic points in your body. Many practitioners view the acupuncture points as places to stimulate nerves, muscles and connective tissue.


Orthopedics specialize in the entire musculoskeletal system including muscles, nerves, bones, joints, tendons, ligaments and other connective tissues. Orthopedic specialist work with you to increase range of motion and get you back to normal range.

Pain Management

Physicians who specialize in the evaluation, diagnosis, and treatment of pain focusing on Neck and Back area. Pain management often use a wide range of nonsurgical, interventional treatment such as steroid injections, trigger point joint injection to help with pain management.

beige and white skeleton
beige and white skeleton
pink stethoscope
pink stethoscope
x-ray result
x-ray result
Additional services

Our staff member will assist the patient in making the necessary appointments for additional services. These appointments could be for X-ray, MRI, Neurologists, Spine Specialist, Ophthalmologist, Hand/Wrist Specialist, Podiatrist, and dentists accepting your insurance.